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Intellectual Point Compliance Related Documentation can be found below. Please select to expand each section for more information.

General Disclosures

Public Disclosures

Enrollment Support Forms

Transcript Assistance

When students are struggling to identify how to obtain the transcript for evaluation, you may utilize the resources outlined below for assistance. Each form will provide an option for you to obtain assistance. Please click the link below to access the relevant form needed. 

Contact Admissions

If you have questions regarding the admissions process, and you do not have a direct point of contact, please email the admissions department at: or 

Enrollment Support Forms

Transcript Assistance

When students are struggling to identify how to obtain the transcript for evaluation, you may utilize the resources outlined below for assistance. Each form will provide an option for you to obtain assistance. Please click the link below to access the relevant form needed. 

Contact Admissions

If you have questions regarding the admissions process, and you do not have a direct point of contact, please email the admissions department at: or 

Academics/Attendance/Withdrawal Support Forms


Intellectual Point expectations for success include attendance of all scheduled dates for classes which they are enrolled. This includes attending the full classes as assigned by reporting to class on time and remaining until the end of the class. Any students who fail to maintain satisfactory attendance, by remaining on track to meet at a minimum 85% of the program hours per course, will be given an opportunity to make up all class work missed during the absence. If a student is unable to make up the attendance and hours, the student may be terminated from the Pathway or Program.


Students are provided with the class schedule prior to enrollment and are expected to attend all scheduled classes in accordance with that enrollment. If a student anticipates being unable to attend a scheduled class, they should contact the school to determine appropriate accommodation(s) to include make-up work for the missed materials.

Students who fail to attend class without notification will be considered un-excused for that class and make up work will be assigned. Missing more than 15% of class may result in the student failing that course and/or subject the student to probation or termination. Students who feel they will miss one week of classes should consider contacting the school for a Leave of Absence by following the policy as outlined.




While Intellectual Point works diligently to ensure students understand the commitment and requirements for successful completion of the programs offered at Intellectual Point, we understand students may have to make the decision to withdraw from a Pathway or Program. Should a student choose to withdraw from the program after the course has commenced, they must provide a written notification to the school. The notice must include the expected last date of attendance and be signed and dated by the student. Failure to provide written documentation will result in termination based on the policies outlined in the Academic Standards section.


Students who receive education benefits from the VA are required in addition to the Voluntary Withdrawal process, must report their withdrawal to their Veteran Advisor. The notification must include the student’s last date of attendance. Failure to follow the established procedures and documentation could negatively impact the student’s benefits and result in a student debt to the VA. The Veteran Administration office processes payments based upon the last date of attendance in a scheduled course in the program of study. Veterans would then be responsible for any outstanding balance due to the school because of the withdrawal. Veterans should consult with VA for more information. You may contact your advisor within Intellectual Point for additional guidance regarding.

Called To Military Service

Public Law 117-328 Section 216, which established Title 38 U.S.C. §3691A, provides actions a school shall and shall not take when a covered member withdraws or takes a leave of absence from covered education resulting from the requirement to perform covered service. Students who are called to service under title 10 or title 32 are provided certain rights and privileges. These regulations allow members of the Armed Forces, including reserve components and national guard members to be readmitted if such members are temporarily unavailable or must suspend enrollment by reason of serving in the armed forces. Intellectual Point supports our servicemembers by providing the student the following options: 
  • A Student may withdraw from Intellectual Point. Should the student withdraw, the student will have the following options with regards to funding:
    • If tuition is collected in advance of the withdrawal, the school will issue a refund for the current academic term and all future terms in accordance with Title 38 USC §3691A:
      • Tuition paid by the student would be refunded to the student.
      • Tuition paid by the VA on behalf of the student would be refunded to the VA
      • Tuition paid by any other entities and the return of funds would be handled in whatever manner the third-party and institution deems appropriate.; OR
  • A student may request a leave of absence for a maximum of 180 days. The student would follow the Leave of Absence Policy as outlined in the prior section of the catalog,

Intellectual Point will reinstate students who were withdrawn for title 10/32 orders into the same or substantially equivalent programs (should the original program no longer be available) following completion of the student’s military duty. The point of return will be based on the decision selected above. We encourage students in this situation to consult with staff from Intellectual Point prior to making their decision for support and assistance in understanding the options available. Intellectual Point is military friendly and appreciates the sacrifice and commitment of students who choose to attend classes while maintaining military obligations. All administrative offices and academic departments will work to accommodate students called to serve the nation while enrolled in class and will strive to make the transition as efficient, equitable and expeditious as possible.

Career Services Support
Intellectual Point provides an integrated series of services and opportunities to work with students who are interested in supporting their career objectives. Here’s some of the services provided:
  • Career Mentorship/Coaching – We offer consultation services and guidance for constructing your career path. This encompasses certification prioritization, educational goals, and career planning to assist you in building your pathway to success.
  • Education Mentorship – We help students figure out where to go from Intellectual Point if they want to pursue further education.
  • Career Services – This happens throughout multiple workshops. Common workshops include Networking and Branding, Resume Writing and Tailoring, Interview Preparation, and Salary Negotiation.
  • One-on-one resume assistance – This is by request and is specifically to help people who know they will need a targeted resume to start their career. Typically, when we link an employer and a student, we will provide this service to ensure optimal chances of the student obtaining the position.
  • One-on-one mock Interviews - This is by request and is specifically to help people who have landed an interview with a company. Typically, when we link an employer and a student, we will provide this service to ensure optimal chances of the student obtaining the position.
Students also are provided information regarding events including career internships and listings, cyber security conventions, seminars to help maintain certifications, and career fairs. Career Services also coordinates two career-level events:
  • Ignite and Network – This event is where we attempt to expand their network by collectively pooling our network into a virtual event with the student base. It’s a meet and greet for students and prospective employers.
  • Job Fair – This event is part educational and part job fair. We bring in guest speakers to talk about their positions and what they do, they provide a brief about their company, and the students get their contact information to contact them later if they desire.